Pinterest as a Marketing Tool? Are you Kidding Me? Nope, We’re Not!

BF24DAFE14-300x141  There’s a lot of buzz in marketing circles about Pinterest and for good reason. This image-based social sharing site can drive incredible amounts of traffic to your website. And using it is easier than you may think. Here are a few tips for getting started on Pinterest that will help you get the most out of the marketing power this platform provides.

Be Picky: Instead of pinning every single product you sell and uploading all your blog photos, etc, be selective and choose the best ones. This way, people will be more apt to visit your website as they’ll be interested in seeing more of what you have to offer.

Only Divulge a Small Bit of Information in Your Image Descriptions

One way to get people to click through to your site is to use short teasers in your image descriptions. Many marketers go overboard with their image descriptions by divulging too much info so avoid doing the same and remember that your goal is to get people to visit your site to find out more information about your business & products.

Pin Regularly and with Variety in Mind

The more you pin, the more likely it is that people will see a pin they like and then re-pin it, like, follow or comment. Images on your Pinterest boards do not disappear quickly like they do on other social networks so take the time each week to pin numerous photos to your boards. And remember that Pinterest is a social platform which means you should be repinning, liking and following other pins and members that are relevant to your industry or whom may be interested in your business down the road. Let your brand’s personality shine through to show that there is a human behind it.

Feature Your Loyal Customers

When you make your customers feel important, they will remain loyal to you. This is why you should consider featuring your customers on Pinterest while they’re using your products. Another way to send some kudos their way is to host contests that require repinning wherein you give the winner a public shout out.

Share Content Directly with Others Using Messages

You can contact the pinners who are following your boards via Pinterest’s messages platform. This is a great way to promote your products and to send special messages about deals and promos you’re running. Just make sure your message includes a photo and a clear call to action so that the person being messaged will engage with you.

Create Group Conversations

You can also use Pinterest messages to create a conversation about your content be it a blog post, video or photo. To get a conversation started, just locate a group of up to four pinners who follow your boards and then send them your latest content-based pin with an included question. When you ask a question, you are building engagement which can help get more users to your site while building a strong community amongst your Pinterest followers.

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